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Alliance Trust Savings: Change of Ownership
Please note that, as of 28 June, Alliance Trust Savings (ATS) is owned by Interactive Investor Limited. If you have any questions about the sale of ATS and what it means for you, please visit ATS’ website*. If you’d like to stay up to date with the Trust’s performance or any news, please sign up below.
Visit ATS website Sign up
By clicking on the 'Visit ATS website' link above, you will be taken to a third party website.

*The brand names ‘Alliance Trust Savings’, ‘ATS’, ‘AT Savings’ and the ‘Alliance Trust Savings’ logo which may appear on ATS’ website are owned by and used with the permission of Alliance Trust PLC, being the previous owner of ATS.

25 January 2024 Stock Stories, Sector Insights, Investment Styles, Performance, About Alliance Trust, Company News


In the latest issue of CONNECTION:

  • With four billion people eligible to vote in 76 countries in 2024, we look at how politics has impacted markets historically, and give our top 3 tips for investing in election years
  • If there’s a time for shareholders to voice their opinions and concerns, it’s the AGM – yet these tend to be very poorly attended. We look at the reasons for the lack of engagement and the steps being taking to encourage more investors to participate
  • An update on the performance of the portfolio, including purchases and sales
  • We introduce our new series of stock spotlight videos. This quarter we interviewed Andy Headley from Veritas, Sunil Thakor from Sands Capital and Jonathan Mills from Metropolis

We hope you find this newsletter informative and valuable. If you'd like more information on the Trust, please email

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