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Defending shareholder rights at a renowned media group

2 June 2023 Stock Stories, Voting, Engagement Alliance Trust

Governance engagement case study by Metropolis Capital – News Corp

Picked for the Alliance Trust portfolio by Metropolis Capital as at 11 January 2023

Area of engagement

In 2020, News Corp, a major media conglomeration and investment for Metropolis Capital, was continuing to use a controversial stockholder rights agreement or ‘poison pill’ provision. Such a provision could potentially entrench the current board and work against future investors.

Although this provision had significant implications for the company and its shareholders’ interests, this poison pill had never been voted on or agreed to by the shareholders themselves.

Metropolis failed to see a sound justification for the provision. So, to express its objection, it voted against the News Corp board’s recommendation to re-elect the Chairman of the Governance Committee. As he’d been in the position during the last time the issue was debated internally, Metropolis felt this was a proportional initial response – rather than voting against the entire board.

Although Metropolis didn’t win this vote, it continued to voice its concerns with News Corp and its board.

In March 2021 Metropolis learned that the poison pill would be up for reconsideration in June of that year. Not satisfied with the board’s previous determination, at this point it escalated the issue. It let News Corp know, both in person and in writing, that if it extended the provision, Metropolis would vote against all board members next year.


Following Metropolis’ continued dialogue with the company, News Corp announced it had terminated its poison pill provision on 22 September 2021. Moreover, it was confirmed that Metropolis’ letter and assertive action were a consideration for the board when it came to discussing the stockholder rights agreement, indicating that it had a meaningful impact on their decision.

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