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The information contained in these pages must not be used or relied upon by private investors. Please select this option only if you are a professional investor.
Alliance Trust Savings: Change of Ownership
Please note that, as of 28 June, Alliance Trust Savings (ATS) is owned by Interactive Investor Limited. If you have any questions about the sale of ATS and what it means for you, please visit ATS’ website*. If you’d like to stay up to date with the Trust’s performance or any news, please sign up below.
Visit ATS website Sign up
By clicking on the 'Visit ATS website' link above, you will be taken to a third party website.

*The brand names ‘Alliance Trust Savings’, ‘ATS’, ‘AT Savings’ and the ‘Alliance Trust Savings’ logo which may appear on ATS’ website are owned by and used with the permission of Alliance Trust PLC, being the previous owner of ATS.

About us

Investing for generations

We have always focused on finding the very best opportunities for every generation. Since 1888, we have been investment pioneers, starting when our founders helped the original farmers on the Old Oregon trail.

Today we’re one of the UK’s oldest and largest investment trusts, with assets in excess of £3bn.*

*As at February 2021.

Alliance Trust, in a nutshell

test that

FTSE 250

FTSE 250

We are a FTSE 250 company, listed on the London Stock Exchange and headquartered in Dundee

Our commitment to you

Our commitment to you

To deliver real returns for our shareholders over the long-term, for every generation of investor.

Our investment goal

Our investment goal

Our target is to outperform the MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI) by 2% per year after costs over rolling three-year periods.

Our structure

We have appointed a world-class investment manager, Willis Towers Watson (WTW), which is responsible for selecting our Stock Pickers and managing the portfolio including risk. Our Stock Pickers are tasked with finding the best investment opportunities from across the world.

Our actively managed global equity portfolio

Our investment manager with a broad range of resources worldwide

Our Stock Pickers whose best ideas make up our portfolio

Meet our Managers

The benefits of an investment trust

Investment trusts, by nature, enjoy benefits other investments don’t. And, as a rule, they typically outperform unit trusts over time.**


  • As an investment trust, we’re allowed to employ gearing, meaning we have the ability to borrow money to invest in opportunities as they arise on behalf of shareholders. Gearing can amplify both gains and losses.
  • We’re allowed to hold back up to 15% of our income each year. This has helped us pay a rising dividend to shareholders for over 50 years.
  • Being an investment trust means we have our own independent board which makes decisions for the sole benefit of our shareholders.
  • Our investors’ money is pooled, providing economies of scale.

**A study by Canaccord Genuity (June 2017) for the Association of Investment Companies (AIC) demonstrated that, on average, investment trusts outperformed open-ended funds in terms of shareholder total returns in 7 out of 10 cases over 5 years, and 9 out of 10 cases over 10 years to 30 June 2017. The margin for outperformance occurred in 10 core sub-sectors and was significant in many cases.

Rising income that spans generations

Our aim is to provide real, long term returns and continue delivering a rising dividend year after year as we have done for more than 50 years. The chart below shows our track record of year-on-year ordinary dividend growth. If you had invested £100 at the start of 1968, you would have £21,806 at the end of 2020 if you reinvested your dividends, and you’d have £5,363 if you did not. 

Discrete Performance (%)
31 Aug 21
31 Aug 22
31 Aug 20
31 Aug 21
31 Aug 19
31 Aug 20
31 Aug 18
31 Aug 19
31 Aug 17
31 Aug 18
Total shareholder return -4.3 28.5 4.9 4.6 8.6
NAV total return -4.3 27.5 6.6 3.0 9.0
MSCI ACWI total return -0.5 24.3 6.7 6.4 10.5

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. The value of shares and the income from them can rise and fall, so investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Net Asset Value (“NAV”) performance is not the same as share price performance and investors may not realise returns in line with NAV performance. All data is provided as at 31 August 2022 unless otherwise stated. *MSCI All Country World Index Net Dividends Reinvested.