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Alliance Trust Savings: Change of Ownership
Please note that, as of 28 June, Alliance Trust Savings (ATS) is owned by Interactive Investor Limited. If you have any questions about the sale of ATS and what it means for you, please visit ATS’ website*. If you’d like to stay up to date with the Trust’s performance or any news, please sign up below.
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*The brand names ‘Alliance Trust Savings’, ‘ATS’, ‘AT Savings’ and the ‘Alliance Trust Savings’ logo which may appear on ATS’ website are owned by and used with the permission of Alliance Trust PLC, being the previous owner of ATS.

How we invest

We cater for the needs of every generation, offering investors a unique global equity portfolio that aims to both grow your capital and provide you with rising income. hello

A strong core for every portfolio

Alliance Trust is designed to sit at the heart of every investor’s portfolio. It’s a hard-working core to add to and build around over time.

And while many investment strategies focus on individual countries, sectors and styles, we set out to pick the very best companies wherever they are in the world. In fact, because we’re actively managed, we can seize opportunities for you and act when challenges present themselves - unlike indexed funds.

A unique investment approach, focused on outperformance

Designed to perform

Designed to perform

Our Stock Pickers are asked to select only the stocks they most believe in, creating a diverse portfolio of around 200 stocks aiming to outperform world stock markets.



Our multi-manager approach reduces risk and volatility, smoothing out the peaks and troughs normally associated with a single manager. 

Exclusive access

Exclusive access

Our expert Stock Pickers are carefully selected from around the world. In the UK, retail investors are only able to access their best ideas through Alliance Trust.

Rising Dividend

Rising Dividend

Our policy is to pay investors a dividend that increases every year.

We have delivered this for over 50 years, putting us among the top four of the Association of Investment Companies’ “Dividend Heroes”.

Responsibly managed

Responsibly managed

We embed ESG factors into all stages of our investment process and place particular emphasis on engaging with companies to drive positive change.


Competitive cost

Competitive cost

For our investors, high-calibre, active investment management doesn’t need to be expensive.

Our Investment Manager’s scale helps us to keep costs down for investors. Alliance Trust’s target Ongoing Charges Ratio (OCR) is just 0.65% p.a.*

*The OCR target of 0.65% is based on NAV reported as at 31 December 2017 when the target was set.

An investment manager with a strong track record

Our investors benefit from having Willis Towers Watson (WTW), one of the world’s leading investment groups, as our investment manager. WTW has a wealth of experience managing similar global equity portfolios that have outperformed over time.

Our strategy is managed by WTW’s Alliance Trust Investment Committee, which is responsible for selecting, appointing, and managing our Stock Pickers.

WTW are also responsible for blending and balancing overall portfolio risk (at stock, sector and geographical level) as well as implementing any hedging and gearing and stringent cost management.

Investing responsibly for today and tomorrow’s generations

We believe responsible investing gives us rights and responsibilities, and we must make sure our capital is being invested in a way that doesn’t exploit society or the environment. For that reason, the analysis of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors throughout our investment process is important to us. Doing so ensures the companies we invest in take the challenges facing current and future generations seriously, and it reduces risk and drives improved returns for our investors. 


Read our latest Responsible Investment Report.

Embedding ESG throughout our investment process

At portfolio level

WTW’s Investment Committee review Manager appointments and stock selections through a strong ‘sustainability’ lens.

Our Investment Manager, WTW, has full visibility of the overall portfolio positioning and monitors Stock Pickers’ selections, ensuring ESG factors have been fully incorporated. WTW engages with the Stock Pickers regularly and challenge them when it feels their approach could be improved.


Our portfolio approach to ESG


- As a rule, we prefer engagement with companies with controversial weapons involvement as well as those with significant exposure to thermal coal and tar sands.

- Companies in which we invest in are assessed in line with the framework set out by the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change’s Net Zero Investment Framework.

- WTW is a signatory to the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, and we expect companies in our portfolio to make effective progress towards alignment with Net Zero goals.

- We have committed to managing the portfolio in line with it reaching Net Zero by 2050 - at the latest.


Find out more about our response to the climate emergency and commitment to net zero.

At manager level

Our Stock Pickers integrate ESG considerations into their analysis when selecting stocks for the Company’s portfolio.

Our Stock Pickers are responsible for the stock selection - and analysis - of companies’ exposure to ESG risks and opportunities. Detailed analysis takes place over time using their own proprietary research, supplemented with data from independent ESG experts, including EOS at Federated Hermes.


Each Stock Picker engages regularly with the companies in which they invest in. And uses their voting rights to make sure we’re positively shaping their future. In the six months to 30 June alone the company’s Stock Pickers exercised the right to vote a total of 2857 times at 170 company meetings voting frequently against directors’ levels of remuneration and director-related votes.*


*EOS at Federated Hermes, WTW. Data to 30 June 2022.

At company level

WTW employs a world-class stewardship specialist (EOS at Federated Hermes) to provide an additional layer of engagement with companies.*

*EOS along with our manager Jupiter are signatories of Climate Action 100+ ( and are responsible for direct engagement with companies, which include names like BP and Heidelberg Cement.

EOS already represents a wide range of financial institutions, with over $1.6trn of assets under advice.* This gives their views more weight when lobbying for companies to change, than one investor acting alone.


In addition to the engagement work undertaken at an individual company level, EOS also leads and participates in many industry-wide collaborative initiatives. These include Climate Action 100+ where engagement with the largest corporate emitters aims to encourage them to set decarbonisation targets aligned with the Paris Agreement, improve disclosure, and steer them towards compliant business models.


EOS’s engagement with companies brings wide benefits to the portfolio. Companies successfully engaged by EOS exhibit a lower risk profile overall, particularly when environmental issues are tackled.**


In the six months to 30 June 2022, EOS engaged with 97 companies held in the Alliance Trust portfolio on over 275 separate issues and objectives including climate change, human rights, executive remuneration, and board diversity, skills, and experience.


*As at 31 December 2021

**Shareholder Engagement Research, EOS Federated Hermes Shareholder engagement and its effects on target companies | Federated Hermes Limited (

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Hear from Craig Baker on our approach to governance