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Meet the Managers

Meet the ten Stock Pickers that help make Alliance Trust a core holding for every generation.

Best-in-class* global Stock Pickers

We are proud of our Stock Pickers. Each has been hand-picked by Willis Towers Watson (WTW), our Investment Manager, to run part of our investment portfolio, selecting up to 20 high-conviction stocks.** They all have invaluable experience of successfully steering portfolios through both bull and bear markets and individual UK investors can only access their combined stock selections through Alliance Trust.

Each brings their own distinct investment style, between them spanning value, growth and quality. Together, their complementary approaches create a diversified portfolio, a core holding for every generation. Whether you’re saving for school fees, a better retirement or looking to leave a legacy for the next generation.

To find out more about the experience and investment styles of each of our Managers, please watch their videos – or read their biographies.

* As rated by Willis Towers Watson
** GQG Partners also manages a dedicated emerging markets mandate with up to 60 stocks.

Bill Kanko and Heather Peirce
Black Creek Investment Management
Rajiv Jain, Brian Kermanc and Sudarshan Murphy
GQG Partners
Andrew Wellington
Lyrical Asset Management
HK Gupta, Gordon Marchand and Rob Rohn
Sustainable Growth Advisers
Andy Headley
Veritas Asset Management
C.T. Fitzpatrick
Vulcan Value Partners
David Levanson and Sunil Thakor
Sands Capital Management
Simon Denison-Smith and Jonathan Mills
Metropolis Capital Limited
James B. Rosenwald III, Gifford Combs and Shiro Hayashi
Dalton Investments
A. Rama Krishna
Arga Investment Management
Lewis A. Sanders and John P. Mahedy
Sanders Capital
Bill Kanko and Heather Peirce Black Creek Investment Management

Bill Kanko is Founder and President of Black Creek Investment Management. He was the lead manager for the Trimark Fund and Trimark Select Growth Fund, with combined assets of more than $13bn.

Heather Peirce joined Black Creek Investment Management in 2013 and has over 28 years of experience as an analyst and portfolio manager for global equities.

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From the Manager's Desk: Bill Kanko

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Performance built on best ideas: 1 year on

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Stock Spotlight: Bill Kanko on Oerlikon and Henry Schein

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Introducing Bill Kanko, Founder, Black Creek Investment Management

‘A portfolio focused on relatively few leading global businesses that are misunderstood or misinterpreted by the market can add value over time. This approach requires independent and sometimes contrarian thinking.’

Investment style
Black Creek’s approach is to look five to ten years ahead and find stocks ‘across the cap spectrum’. Its approach is long term and contrarian. 


Rajiv Jain, Brian Kermanc and Sudarshan Murphy GQG Partners

Rajiv Jain founded GQG Partners in June 2016, having previously worked at Vontobel Asset Management for 22 years. He manages both a global equity and an emerging markets mandate.

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From the Manager's Desk

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Global quality growth

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Performance built on best ideas

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Stock Spotlight: Rajiv Jain on Alphabet and Heineken

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Introducing Rajiv Jain, Founder, GQG Partners

‘We believe in buying high-quality companies and a differentiated view on the company’s prospects based on the long term.’

Investment style 
GQG Partners looks for high-quality and sustainable businesses, whose underlying strength should outweigh its environment and where that company’s strength can only truly be understood through bottom-up analysis.


Andrew Wellington Lyrical Asset Management

Lyrical Asset Management’s investment management team is led by Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Andrew Wellington, and includes Co-Portfolio Manager, Caroline Ritter. Andrew has also worked at Neuberger Berman and New Mountain Capital, where he co-managed the $1.2bn New Mountain Vantage Fund.

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From the Manager's Desk: Andrew Wellington

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Keeping faith with Value

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Performance built on best ideas

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Stock Spotlight: Andrew Wellington on HCA and Adient

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Introducing Andrew Wellington, Co-Founder, Lyrical Asset Management

'For us, volatility creates opportunity that enables us to outperform the benchmark over the long run.'

Investment style
Value matters to Lyrical Asset Management. They adopt a strict discipline around investing in quality companies, seeking businesses they believe will generate attractive returns, are resilient with reasonable debt levels, offer positive growth, attractive margins, competent management and the flexibility to react to all phases of the business cycle.


HK Gupta, Gordon Marchand and Rob Rohn Sustainable Growth Advisers

Sustainable Growth Advisers (SGA) was founded in 2003 by George Fraise, Gordon Marchand and Rob Rohn, averaging over 30 years of investment experience. HK Gupta has been with the firm since 2014 and is a Principal, Analyst and Portfolio Manager, as well as a member of SGA’s Investment Committee.

George Fraise photo

From the Manager’s Desk: George Fraise

George Fraise photo

Looking 8 years into the future

George Fraise photo

Performance built on best ideas: 1 year on

George Fraise photo

Stock Spotlight: George Fraise on Novo Nordisk and AIA Group

George Fraise photo

Introducing George Fraise and Sustainable Growth Advisers

‘We find quality businesses that also have sustainable growth over the long term, then we apply valuation discipline.’

Investment style
SGA’s investment style is to identify those few truly differentiated global businesses that possess strong pricing power, offer recurring revenue generation and benefit from attractive, long runways of growth.


Andy Headley Veritas Asset Management

Andy Headley is Head of Global Strategies at Veritas Asset Management. Andy has over 20 years’ investment experience.

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From the Manager’s Desk: Andy Headley

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Taking a 10-year view

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Performance built on best ideas: 1 year on

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Stock Spotlight: Andy Headley talks Airbus and Facebook

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Introducing Andy Headley, Veritas Asset Management

Investment style
Veritas Asset Management uses a proprietary Real Return investment process with an absolute return mindset. It deploys a number of methods including themes to help identify industries and companies that are positioned to benefit from medium-term growth, globally.


C.T. Fitzpatrick Vulcan Value Partners

C.T. Fitzpatrick is the Founder and Chief Investment Officer at Vulcan Value Partners. He has over 30 years of experience and now manages over US$14bn of assets.

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From the Manager's Desk: C.T. Fitzpatrick

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Introducing C.T. Fitzpatrick, Founder, Vulcan Value Partners

“We look for businesses that have inherently stable values. These businesses are rarely cheap, but we follow them anyway, and when they do become discounted, we’re ready to invest in them, and those form our portfolios.”

Investment style

C.T. and his team focus on finding a small number of very high-quality businesses that have the ability to compound in value over the long term. Then, when their share prices become discounted, the team make a move.


David Levanson and Sunil Thakor Sands Capital Management

David E. Levanson, CFA is a Research Analyst, a co-Portfolio Manager of the Sands Capital Global Growth and International Growth strategies, and an Executive Managing Director. 

Sunil H. Thakor, CFA is a Research Analyst and a Co-Portfolio Manager of the Sands Capital Global Leaders and International Growth strategies. Sands Capital is an active, long-term investor in leading innovative businesses, globally.

'We seek to identify the few, truly innovative businesses with sustainable above-average growth.'

Investment style

Sands has six investment criteria for investing in companies: sustainable, above-average earnings; leadership in a promising business area; significant competitive advantage; clear mission; financial strength; rational valuation.


Simon Denison-Smith and Jonathan Mills Metropolis Capital Limited

Metropolis Capital was founded by former management consultants Simon Denison-Smith and Jonathan Mills in 2008. They are value investors with a private equity style of evaluating holdings.

'We think about all of our investments as a business owner.'

Investment Style

Simon and Jonathan focus on long-term market recognition of the fundamental value of their investments and income generated from those investments.


James B. Rosenwald III, Gifford Combs and Shiro Hayashi Dalton Investments

James B. Rosenwald is Chief Investment Officer and Co-Founder of Dalton Investments. Together with Co-Founder, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, Gifford Combs, and Director of Research, Shiro Hayashi, they have over 100 years of investment experience.

Mr Rosenwald is a recognized authority in Pacific Rim investing and is a director of numerous investment funds.

‘A value-focused, entrepreneurial, globally opportunistic investor.’


Dalton is a disciplined, value-oriented, global investment manager committed to capital preservation and long-term growth. Dalton’s strategies focus on Asia, Emerging Markets and global equities.

The depth of research, combined with experience and stringent risk management, enables Dalton to seize attractive investment opportunities when they appear and gives them the flexibility to walk away when an investment is no longer attractive


Introducing Dalton Investments

A. Rama Krishna Arga Investment Management

Arga is a global value manager, founded in 2010 by Chief Investment Officer A. Rama Krishna, who has over 30 years’ experience managing global and emerging markets equities.

'We believe fear and uncertainty create opportunity.'


The firm’s investment philosophy is rooted in traditional value principles which seek to capitalise on investors overreacting to unexpectedly negative events and mistaking temporary stresses in share prices for permanent losses of capital.


Introducing Arga Investment Management

Lewis A. Sanders and John P. Mahedy Sanders Capital

Lewis Sanders is the founder, CEO, and Co-CIO of Sanders Capital. Together with Co-CIO and Research Director, John P. Mahedy, they have over 85 years of investment experience between them.

Mr Sanders is a veteran value investor having joined Sanford C. Bernstein in 1968 and served as Chairman and CEO from 1993 to 2000. After the merger of Bernstein with Alliance Capital, he served as Chairman and CEO of AllianceBernstein until 2008.

'Knowledge conquers emotion.'


Sanders is a Florida-based global value investment manager with over $82 billion in assets under management. The team seeks to identify situations in which investor sentiment or behavioural biases create opportunities for contrarian, long-term investors. 

Getting the best from our Stock Pickers

The performance of both our Managers and overall portfolio is overseen by WTW, our Investment Manager and its Investment Committee, which is chaired by Craig Baker, Global Chief Investment Officer.* The Investment Committee is wholly accountable to the Alliance Trust Board, and is charged with the following responsibilities:

  • Drive outperformance of the portfolio
  • Monitor and oversee individual manager performance
  • Review portfolio blending and risk control
  • Implement any gearing and hedging requirements for the portfolio

Other key members of the committee include Co-Portfolio Managers Stuart Gray and Mark Davis. Together the team brings to bear over 62 years of invaluable investment experience. They are supported by a team of about 130 research and portfolio management professionals around the world.

* The Alliance Trust Board has appointed Towers Watson Investment Management Limited (TWIM) as its Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM). TWIM is part of Willis Towers Watson (WTW). On this website we refer to both TWIM as Willis Towers Watson or ‘WTW’.